Theatre Y's original 16 member ensemble became a unified and sustaining team with the help of Georges Bigot – central to Ariane Mnouchkine's Théâtre du Soleil during the '80s and '90s and one of France's most celebrated actors.  Mr. Bigot has formed ensembles in Cambodia, Mali, and France, as well as Tim Robbin's company in LA - The Actor's Gang.  He has now also helped us to form and nurture a vibrant, hard working, and multitalented ensemble originally built around Theatre Y's Macbeth at the Chopin Theatre, as part of Chicago’s Shakespeare 400 Festival in 2016.


The Incarcerated Mass

The Theatre Y Ensemble Inside
Stateville Correctional Facility

Portraits by Justin T. Jones

Theatre Y Artistic Director Melissa Lorraine has been working with men serving extreme sentences at Stateville Correctional Center since 2018. With no parole system for natural life sentences, these men will never be released, despite acquiring multiple degrees and starting a non-profit inside.

Theatre Y has formed an ensemble inside of Stateville (The Incarcerated Mass) to create original work with twenty-five men who have been part of the PNAP (Prison+Neighborhood Art Project) Think Tank for many years, with the goal of filming the work to introduce the world to these men who have been buried alive and to aid the fight to reinstate Parole in Illinois. Thank you for helping to give voice to some of the thousands of Humans of Life Row in the state of Illinois (one of 12 states without a Parole System).  

Artists in Residence

Theatre Y Youth Ensemble

Theatre Y’s Youth Program fosters 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 relationships between Theatre Y’s collaborators and young people in North Lawndale, with Marvin Tate as the program’s core visionary. As a necessarily collaborative organism, Theatre Y is home to a diversity of high-caliber talent in a variety of art forms, including architecture, sound production, film, and photography. Our objective with this program is to encourage multidisciplinary, lateral thinking in young people and to teach the necessary hard and soft skills for successful careers in the arts and social justice fields. As the program’s coach, Marvin Tate’s extensive and deep-rooted history with the art community of Chicago-at-large will be an indispensable resource to the city’s future artists and educators.